Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Of Contracts & Covenants

Today Samy and I met with the guy who's gonna sublease our apartment during the summer. While I was drafting up a contract, I found it interesting that we use this form of agreement even if none of us are lawyers or in the least bit familiar with contractual law. I feel the purpose of a contract is to establish a relationship. It establishes the terms upon which the relationship lays, and puts the relationship under obligation, or in other words the contract makes the relationship a real thing.

I think this is an interesting way to look at our covenants with God. I don't think we have covenants to meet some universal prerequisite for blessings, and I don't think God uses covenants so we're obligated to Him. I believe we have covenants for the pure and simple reason to have a clearly defined relationship with Him. Our covenants give us the terms by which we might improve and increase that relationship. Our covenants also line out potential results of our actions.

The basis of earthly contracts are essentially economic. I think it important that we don't translate these economic incentives of keeping our contracts unto the realm of how we keep our eternal covenants.

-Joe G.

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